Two groups training in Bogliasco, medical exams for Benedetti
Two groups training in the second session ahead of Saturday’s home clash with Modena (16.15 CET). On the main field of the “Mugnaini”, the session was based on activation and running for those more involved in Cittadella match, while the other blucerchiati available had a complete session. Differentiated recovery paths for Fabio Borini, Andrea Conti, Sebastiano Esposito, Simone Panada, Estanislau Pedrola (in Desenzano), and Ronaldo Vieira.
Medical exams. The instrumental exams undergone by Leonardo Benedetti have revealed a first-degree injury to the long adductor muscle of the right thigh. Further examinations will be carried out next week. Therapies, pending assessments for Nicola Murru. Another morning session is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, in Bogliasco.
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