Samp get straight back to work. De Luca undergoes surgery
The team got straight back to work on Tuesday following their draw with Juventus on Monday night.
As per usual for the post-match session, the squad was split into two groups. The players involved for most of game in Marassi did recovery work and had physio, with Tomas Rincon receiving treatment after being forced off early. The rest of the squad had a standard session.
Andrea Conti trained separately on the pitch and Simone Trimboli continued with his recovery work.
The squad will be back in Bogliasco on Wednesday for their next session to start training their sights on Sunday’s trip to Salernitana (18:30 CEST).
Manuel De Luca travelled to Villa Stuart in Rome, where he underwent surgery on the lateral meniscus of his left knee. The operation, performed by professor Pier Paolo Mariani, was a complete success and the forward will now begin a rehabilitation programme.
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