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Giampaolo: “We’ll stand tall and proud for Fiorentina”


Giampaolo: “We’ll stand tall and proud for Fiorentina”

Coach Marco Giampaolo was fully focused on Monday night’s clash against Fiorentina as he spoke about his side’s desire to secure their place in Serie A next season. “We have a crucial game coming up on Monday, a watershed moment. It’s all-in for us: we have to put it all out there.”

The match could determine Sampdoria’s fate this season. “How do you prepare for a game like that? You put in the work during the week, paying attention to all the technical and tactical elements without speculating too much. We know how important it is. When both teams have targets that they want to reach, as is the case for us, there is always the highest level of motivation. We mustn’t pay attention to what others are doing. We can’t play their games for them, so we’ve got to think about ourselves.”

The Blucerchiati are in charge of their own destiny as a win at the Ferraris on Monday would guarantee top-flight football next year and nothing else would matter. “It’s all up to us: everyone must draw on their strengths to give their all. We’ll stand tall and proud.”

He paid tribute to the fans and hailed their vital role in the club’s fortunes. “They are a crucial part of Sampdoria’s world. I know full well the affection they display. They will always be there. The boost they give us will be essential: they never fail to reinforce what it means to belong to this club.”

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