Samp back at work after the Christmas break. Ferrari sustains knee injury
After enjoying a full week off over Christmas, the Blucerchiati were back at the Centro Sportivo Gloriano Mugnaini on Friday to start preparing for their first match of the new year, away to AC Milan on 6 January.
The squad – minus Gonzalo Maroni and Emiliano Rigoni, who are due to return from Argentina on Saturday – began in the gym before moving outside for technical and tactical drills.
Bartosz Bereszynski, Andrea Bertolacci, Federico Bonazzoli, Fabio Depaoli, Nicola Murru and Albin Ekdal did individual work while Edgar Barreto continued with this recovery plan.
Alex Ferrari injured his right knee during the training match and underwent immediate tests, which revealed an ACL sprain. He will be re-assessed on Saturday, when a double session is planned.
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