Samp eSports Weekend, Day One: follow all the action on Twitch
It’s Samp eSports Weekend – three days dedicated entirely to video games, which you can follow live on the new @sampdoria_eSports Twitch channel.
Day One of the event will take place on PES 2020 from 16:00 to 20:30 CEST on Saturday. Blucerchiati gamers Nicolo Teclas93 Sesto and Francesco FranBartoz Bartolozzi are set to face off against Nantes (16:00 vs Kepa), Inter | Qlash (17:00 vs Kirito Yuuki), Boavista (18:00 vs Barboza) and Hellas Verona (18:50 vs Alfonso Grayfox).
There’s more to it than just gamers doing battle, though. At 17:45 Fabio Depaoli will be the special guest during the tea break: the Doria full-back and Teclas93 are to take part in a double interview discussing football, eSports and life in general.
The day’s programme ends with FranBartoz taking on several amateur games in Beat the Pro. If you think you’ve got what it takes, send your Playstation ID to the @Sampdoria_eSports Instagram channel and find out if you’re one of the lucky few who get to take part.
On Sunday it’s time for FIFA 20 while Monday will be dedicated to the #SafeandSamp eCup, an amateur FIFA tournament which you can sign up for by clicking here.
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